twins on blue rug


So, I haven’t been a mom for long. My twins are four, so we haven’t yet gotten to what I like to call the “advanced parenting stage,” i.e., no one has told me that they hate me yet. I have gotten a sullen, “I don’t like you,” here and there, but if I hadn’t, I wouldn’t be doing my job. While I wouldn’t describe myself as having a “tiger mom” style, I do push my kids to achieve academically even at an early age, I give them responsibilities that they’re expected to carry out, and I always have high expectations. I don’t expect little children to always act perfectly (I don’t act perfectly as a grown woman – especially when I’m hungry or sleep-deprived), but I do feel that it’s my responsibility to make sure these little humans turn into decent (ok, exceptional) big humans, and that starts now.

Me and my crazy babies – stealthy photography by Jeremy.