bathtub with sponges

Lazy Girl’s Guide to Baby Soft Feet

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There’s nothing worse than scratchy, dry feet. Ok, there may be worse things, but it’s up there. Personally, sitting at a nail salon for 90 minutes is not my idea of fun. I know lots of people love to go get their nails done and chat with their nail person and leave with a fresh coat of polish, but let’s face it – regular pedicures can get expensive and are always time-consuming.

I have the perfect Lazy Girl’s solution to this problem, and the reason it’s perfect is because it’s SO easy. This will literally take you maybe 60 seconds a day (and not even 60 consecutive seconds, so calm down).

What you’ll need

You only need 3 things to get baby soft feet with almost no effort (almost!) – and one of them is NOT money (or free time) for pedicures!

  1. Pumice stone. Pretty much any pumice stone will do – I prefer a pumice stone to loofahs or other exfoliating tools because it just seems to do a better job.
    Lotion. Whatever lotion you have under your bathroom sink is totally fine, but my favorite is Amlactin because it has alphahydroxy acid in it, which makes your skin SO soft.
    Socks. Fuzzy slipper socks are the most comfy and fun, but any socks work.

What to do

The steps are ridiculously easy, and I’m pretty convinced everyone can make time for this routine:

  1. Scrub. Keep your pumice stone in the shower and scrub your feet in the shower 3 or 4 times a week – honestly, it takes 30 seconds. You don’t have to go crazy the first time just because it’s been a while since you’ve exfoliated – just doing these steps regularly will make a huge difference in how your feet look and feel.
  2. Slather. When you get out of the shower, make it a habit to put lotion on your feet and put your socks on right away. Not only will this seal the lotion in, but I hate padding around with sticky feet.
  3. Go about your business. Wear the socks while you get ready and finish up the rest of your morning tasks. Take them off whenever you need to leave- even a few minutes is enough. I don’t even bother re-applying lotion before bed because this routine is so effective.

I do this easy little routine regularly, and my feet always stay super smooth, year-round (and believe me, it has been at least a month and a half since my last pedicure – I don’t have time or energy to get to the nail place and sit there for 90 minutes on a weekly basis). Give it a shot and let me know how it works for you!