books on bed

Stop Wearing Pajamas That Are Older Than Your Kids

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Why? First, it LOOKS better (I mean, obviously)

That old college or grad school t-shirt or sweatshirt is so cozy and comfortable – two of a Lazy Girl’s favorite characteristics when it comes to clothes.  I get it.  Plus, you can’t just get rid of it – the memories!  I know.  But I’m almost 40 years old.  If I still have a college sweatshirt (spoiler: I do), it’s probably 20 years old!  It can’t be holding up well. 

A few years ago, I decided all my ratty threadbare pajamas had to go.  There were a few items that I kept out of nostalgia or sentimentality, but I got rid of a LOT of stuff.  I know that, as you go through all your raggedy comfy t-shirts, you’ll be convinced that each of them sparks joy and that you should keep it.  But . . . would it spark joy if you ran into the neighbor when you’re out grabbing the mail?  Or if you catch a glance of yourself in the mirror?  Even if I never step out of the house, I’ll be honest – I care a lot more about how attractive my husband finds me on a daily basis than the neighbors do (sorry, Eric and Jen!).  So why do we care so much more about how we look outside the house than we do inside? 

Plus, it FEELS better!

Putting aside the looks factor, I’ve found that there is something so fun about treating myself to a new super soft (and matching!) set of pajamas.  As a Lazy Girl, there are few moments in my day that I enjoy as much as that moment when I get into bed for the night.  It is such a treat to finally get into the cool sheets and the cozy down comforter and lay back against my fluffy pillows with my book.  It’s the time of day where I don’t have to “do” anything anymore.  Having soft, pretty pajamas only makes the whole experience that much more luxurious to me.   

The Bossy Brunette’s Faves

Now that I’ve convinced you, just for fun, here are a few of my favorite brands that are both cute and SO comfortable:

  1. P.J. Salvage – Super soft fabric plus lots of cute prints – these guys have something for everyone.
  2. Soma – If you were born after 1980, you may not find stuff you like here. Personally, I’ve been living for the day I could start shopping at Soma. Their pjs are a little more mature, still super soft, and lots of different styles. I like to mix and match to get the combo I like (see below)
  3. Felina – I love, love, love Felina’s lounge wear. The fabric is soft, stretchy, and just so cozy. I don’t like to sleep in long sleeves (again, see below), but I will often wear the whole set with a tank top underneath so that when it’s time for bed, I can toss the sweatshirt to the foot of the bed and sleep comfortably.

I am really particular about the style of my pajamas – it has to be a tank top with full-length pants, or I toss and turn all night.  Some people like to wear shorts with a long sleeve shirt (the horror!), others go au naturel (do you people sleep with your bedroom doors locked, or what?!).  What is your favorite style?  And if you have a favorite comfy brand, I would love to hear about it so I can try it out!