woman with dark hair

This Hair Dryer Brush Will Change Your Life

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I am not exaggerating. I was turned onto this nifty little tool by another member of a lawyer moms Facebook group I am in. As you can imagine, LawMas, as we call ourselves, do NOT have time for nonsense. This hair dryer brush takes blowing out your hair to a new level and is perfect for the Lazy Girl who doesn’t want to spend 40 minutes on her hair in the morning.

You know how when you go to the salon, and they do that thing where they pull and yank your hair with a round brush in one hand and the dryer in the other hand, over and over and OVER again until you look like you’re about to walk the runway instead of go sit in the pickup line at school? Well, this dryer does the round-brush-thing and the blow-drying-thing at the same time with ONE hand, so you don’t have to be some kind of acrobat to get your hair looking amazing.

Wet to styled in 9 minutes

Here is a before and after of me going from almost totally wet hair to completely styled, NINE minutes apart, NO products. Ok, 12 minutes because it took me about 3 minutes to find a good angle for my “after” selfie.

How to use the brush

This thing is super user-friendly. Of course, it may take you longer if you have more of a wave or curl in your hair than me, but everyone I’ve recommended this to loves it, even those with actually curly hair. Just remember that you want a good amount of tension as you pull it through your hair, and you’re golden.

Here is what I do from beginning to end to go from wet to styled:

  1. Shampoo.
  2. Condition. I condition only my ends (my roots get greasy if I condition my roots)
  3. Wait. I put my makeup on while my hair air dries (less than 10 minutes)
  4. Quick dry. I use my regular blow dryer for about 60 seconds all over, just to make sure I’m not sopping wet
  5. Section and start drying.
    • I pull up the top 3/4 of my hair into a bun and use the Revlon hair dryer brush to dry the bottom 1/4, then pull that bottom section into a hair tie to keep it away from the wet hair. Make sure as you dry, you’re really getting the section you’re drying AROUND the brush as you pull the brush through your hair – you want tension to get all those kinks out.
    • I leave 1/2 of my hair up and let down the next 1/4, pull the brush through that section, then add it to the hair in the hair tie
    • So on until all of my hair is dry – I only do 4 sections, which is a huge time saver

At some point when I figure out how to do a YouTube tutorial, I will do that, but for now I’m telling you – this one is a no-brainer! Get the dryer – it will shave so much time off your usual drying/straightening routine and get you out the door quicker – a favorite for every Lazy Girl!

What tricks do you use to make getting ready quicker?